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Richard F. Maury was born in Philadelphia, USA, on 18 December 1882. He
became an engineer in 1902. In 1906 he arrived to Argentina and in 1907 started
working at the State Railways.
He was considered a master in the tracing of railways and roads in
mountainous areas. In 1921 he
became head of the construction of the Ramal C14, working there till 1931, just
before the building of the La Polvorilla Viaduct.
Maury was designated honorary professor of the University of
Tucuman, which also published his “Manual para el trazado de
Ferrocarriles”. In 1944 he was proclaimed the first honorary member or the
Centro de Ingenieros de Tucuman.
He was well known through his particpation in the Transandine Railway from
Mendoza to Las Cuevas, in the tracing of the road from Acheral to Tafi del Valle
(Tucuman) and in the construction or the Railway Yacuiba, Santa Cruz, Sucre in
He died in Cordoba on July 10th 1950, his remains rest at the
foot of the monolith erected in his memory in Campo Quijano, nearby the tracks
of the Railway.