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Welcome to the Train to the Clouds.
In this site you’ll get to know details of one of the most important and
audacious work of railway engineer.
The magnificent scenery accompanies
and wraps this marvel of human ingenuity.
For your delight, you can get a map of great quality with every detail of
this construction.
You can get to know every step of its route and the difficulties that had to
be overcome in a work of art unique in its type.
Dare to know it. You won’t
regret it.
A little history
1895/96/97 the first studies of
the terrain take place.
1905 A design similar to the present one is outlined.
1913 The plans are adjusted.
1921 (December 10th)
1921(March 14th) President Hipolito Yrigoyen orders from Buenos
Aires, without legislative sanction, and by decree the beginning of the laying
of the tracks.
1924 (September 16th) The stretch Lerma-Puerta Tastil is
1929 Maury decides to take the railway through Socompa.
1930 The construction is suspended due to the revolution against
Yrigoyen’s government.
1943 (April 26th) The stretch to the Salar de Pocitos was
1948 (January 17th) The last rail was placed in Socompa
connecting it to the chilean tracks.
1948 (February 20th) President Juan Domingo Peron
officially inaugurated the
construction, that demanded a little more than 9000 days of work with pickaxe
and a considerable number of deaths.